I’ve heard it said that make up is “rule-less”, and it truly is.  Just because a product is supposed to be used for a certain part of the face, doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t use it somewhere else. Eye shadow can be used as blush, bronzer, lip color, etc.  One of my new favorite things to do is use one of my sparkly baked eye shadows on my lips. (a brand I really like is Milani)  I apply it with the sponge tip applicator (I don’t use them on my eyes) then I brush on a layer of clear gloss.  You can also put a colored gloss in the same color family on top.  If you don’t have an applicator, just rub the shadow on with a finger.  The effect:  soft, shimmery, diffused color.  I also recently purchased a hot pink eye shadow to use as blush-which looks quite striking on medium to darker complexions.  In beauty, as well as life, sometimes it’s a good thing to break the rules.           

Stacey Houghton
2/20/2012 10:05:08 am

I couldn't agree more! What an awesome tip! I have a few products that I use for multiple purposes.

Shelley McNiff
2/23/2012 01:50:29 am

I agree with both of you. for what we spend and for what we like it's great to have multiple uses. Kebab thanks for the advise. I love the site too.


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